Frequently Asked Questions
All suburbs in the main metropolitan Christchurch area are covered by our standard travel fee, everything else will incur additional travel charges on a case by case basis. Your Garden Doctor cover all Christchurch suburbs listed here: Addington, Aidanfield, Aranui, Avondale, Avonhead, Avonside, Barrington, Beckenham, Belfast, Bexley, Bishopdale, Bottle Lake, Bromley, Brooklands, Bryndwr, Burnside, Burwood, Cashmere, Clifton, Cracroft, Dallington, Edgeware, Fendalton, Ferrymead, Halswell, Harewood, Heathcote Valley, Hei Hei, Hillsborough, Hoon Hay, Hornby, Huntsbury, Ilam, Kennedy's Bush, Linwood, Mairehau, Merivale, Mount Pleasant, Murray Aynsley Hill, New Brighton, Opawa, Papanui, Parklands, Phillipstown, Redcliffs, Redwood, Riccarton, Richmond Hill, Richmond, St Albans, St Martins, Scarborough, Shirley, Sockburn, Somerfield, Southshore, Spencerville, Spreydon, St Andrews Hill, Strowan, Sumner, Sydenham, Upper Riccarton, Waimairi Beach, Wainoni, Westmorland, Wigram, Woolston.
Yes you can, however if you require Your Garden Doctor to do any on site spraying or planting we can not be responsible for any products that we have not directly supplied.
However we can discuss this with you to ensure the best outcome for the job.
As we provide a combination of numerous services, and each client’s needs are unique we will discuss with you our pricing and estimated costs, to enable complete transparency before any work is undertaken.
On occasion Your Garden Doctor works with a number of other service providers when required. We will do our best to recommend other reputable businesses, however we are in no way responsible for any work they may undertake.
We understand that family may not always live close by, so to ensure peace of mind, Your Garden Doctor can provide ongoing regular garden and seasonal maintenance and care of lawns and plants for a third party by arrangement.
This will help eliminate any worries and provide peace of mind if you can't be there yourself.
We don’t provide quotes as there are a number of factors that determine the length of time each job will take and what may be involved to complete the job to a high standard.
We will however discuss with you what we estimate the cost to be and will do our best to ensure we work within your budget.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
We look forward to hearing from you.
We are passionate about Nurturing Nature and Caring for Tomorrow